
I am walking

Thousands of miles 

Towards a hope 

That I know hates me 

In weary arms 

I carry my world 

On my shoulders 

I carry my dreams 

On my hip I carry my legacy 

I carry them 





I carry them 

From certain death 

From daughters 

Ripped from beds 

Raped and forced into prostitution 

Sons ripped from beds

Forced to murder 

their friends 

their family 

I have nothing 

But the knowledge 

That if I make it to 


Where I will be hated 


Work jobs no one else wants

Often not get paid 

Live in shadows 

Become invisible 

Never to return 

At least 

At least 

At least 

My babies will be alive 

I want nothing from you 

But to work

To sleep on streets 

That aren’t flooded with soldiers 

I will accept your hate 

Your ignorance 

Your disgust 

In exchange for the lives of my children 

Maybe they will 

Contribute like all the immigrants before us 

Who make your country 

All that you worship 

Your music 

Your movies 

Your food 

Your culture 

Your way of life 

You owe to an immigrant 

Even your precious president 

I know what they won’t grow up to be 

An elder killer 

Children slayer 

Mass shooter 

That’s a job held by Christian white men 

So I will walk

Across countries 

With blistered feet 

Towards the gates of hell 

Into the arms of hate 

To make a deal with the devils 

To save the lives of my children 

Wouldn’t you 

Would your Christ 

Build A Wall 

Or Walk with a Caravan

Originally posted November 5, 2018. 

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